dimarts, 31 de maig del 2016

Summer Food

Good morning,since is approaching the summer, and people often eat food fresh because of the hea.So I'll make entries about on typical summer meals, for you to enjoy a few months with delicious and nutritious meal. I hope you like it!!

Video on food and emotions

Hi, after making the entry about the food in relation to emotions. I wanted research more on the subject, thus, I found an explanatory video on the subject.It is interesting because it speaks of the body and the very complex relationship that have with foodIn addition to several references of how we ourselves use food to fill some gaps we feel. It really is very interesting, so if you have a little time you can listen this , is an interview with a woman named Montse Bradford expert in Natural Power and Energy, therapist Transpersonal Psychology and the art of vibrational healing.

dilluns, 30 de maig del 2016

The food in relation to emotions

The food not only serves to feed  or keep us strong , but also greatly influences the mood of the person. How often have we said and heard we eat for pleasure? the food  not only has a nutritional function,since also the act of eating is pleasurable.A very typical example where we can clearly identify what to eat affects us in many ways, is that when we are anxious to go looking for foods that have various substances such as tryptophan, an amino acid that stimulates the release of serotonin and relaxes us while we becomes happier.These foods are  chocolate, banana, nuts or yogurt.
On the other hand, if we are sad or very upset by something, instead of eating more food  for calming nerves,we are not hungry or food doesn't feeling well the stomach

Here you have a link where you can find more information:


The Tea

Tea is mainly a drink made of leaves and buds of the tea plant. Its taste is fresh and slightly bitter, this  has beneficial health properties since as contain antioxidants, catequinas. Because of its catequinas,the tea has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties; It can help in regulating appetite and its affinity to cannabinoid receptors can reduce pain and nausea, also serving as soothing.

Then we hang a link I found on the different varieties of tea , besides its properties benefits for health:http://mejorconsalud.com/te-e-infusiones-para-que-sirve-cada-uno/


dijous, 19 de maig del 2016


Are one of those recipes that are made in family and eaten with the family, the truth is that with few ingredients leave a good number of them
The donut is a typical Easter sweet, its origins date back to the Roman Empire, at that time the recipe spread throughout Europe and the Mediterranean basin.
Among the donut San Isidro, there are four varieties of donuts that they differ mainly in the finish and not in the mass recipe, these are:

“Rosquillas tontas”, “rosquillas listas”,” rosquillas de Santa Clara” and “francesas”.

Now I'll  leave a video explaining with the process of preparing of these delicious donuts of anise:

Ensalada Russa

Avui exposaré un plat que segurament tots coneguem, però pocs saben de la seva vertadera procedència. Com el seu propi nom indica, aquest plat prove de Rússia, també es conegut per altres països com ensalada de  Oliver. El seu autor, va ser Lucien Oliver, un cheff d’un prestigiós restaurant en aquella època, anomenat restaurant Hermitage.
La seva recepta original es servia freda i duia una especie de vinagreta. Els ingredients que utilitzava Oliver eren de alta qualitat i de alt preu. La vertadera recepta era un secret molt ben guardat tant com per Oliver, com per la família Hermitage. Quan l’Hermitage va tancar la recepta original es va perdre inexorablament. Podem dir que a partir d’aquí, el plat va ser adoptat per altres països on varen anar afegint ingredients, arribant així a Ucrània i Urals. D’aquesta manera la recepta va evolucionar, donant lloc a un plat amb varies variants.

A continuació vos deixaré un vídeo sobre la seva preparació, la dona que ho presenta es russa nativa i per aquest motiu a lo millor no parla molt bé l'espanyol, però cal dir que s'entén:

Properties fruit

Good morning, today we'll talk about the properties of the fruit and is that often we do not realize that the nature  itself provides.

One fruit  can provide from one to several benefits simultaneously. For example, the Kiwi is a  food that useful against diseases respiratorias, además of cardiac pathologies. Its properties are also beneficial for improving cardiovascular health, regulate blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels.

By this I want say that the fruit possibly don't help us at the moment, but ultimately helps our health.

Here I leave a link with several fruits and their properties: 

dilluns, 16 de maig del 2016

Truita de Patates

Bon dia!!

Com ja sabeu hi ha moltes varietats de truita (francesa, de ou, de patates rellena de pernil i formatge etc), però avui ens centrarem amb  la truita de patates. Aquesta truita es un dels més típics i gustosos de la gastronomia espanyola.

Ingredients per 4 persones:
  • 3 patates 
  • 1 Ceba
  • Oli de oliva
  • Sal
  • 4 o 5 ous
Aquí vos deix un link de 300 receptes de truita diferents  i un video sobre la preparació  de la truita de patates.
Link: http://www.recetasgratis.net/Tortilla-busqCate-1.html


divendres, 13 de maig del 2016

Postres saludables

Como ya sabemos todos la primavera está por finalizar, dando así paso al tan ansiado verano. En otras palabras mucha gente ya ha empezado ha hacer la "operación bikini". Por eso, el tema de hoy serán los postres saludables.
Vamos a remarcar que un postre saludable no es sinónimo de un postre bajo en calorías, sino más bien nos estamos refiriendo la calidad de los ingredientes que lleva el postre.
Cuando hablamos de postres elaborados y no de frutas frescas o gelatinas, generalmente hablamos de postres con mucho azúcar y grasas. Sin embargo, aunque las calorías no disminuyan notablemente, si se incrementan los buenos nutrientes y así desaparecen las calorías vacías.
Aquí os dejo un link sobre consejos para elaborar postres saludables: http://www.directoalpaladar.com/salud/los-mejores-consejos-para-elaborar-postres-saludables


Aquí también  os dejaré un link sobre varias recetas de postres saludables, su autora se llama Auxy Ordòñez, bloguera especializada en postres saludables: http://www.postressaludables.com/


dijous, 12 de maig del 2016

The seven rules to recognize good cooking

Good morning!!

As some people love a dish, but on the other hand, others do not like anything? there are specific criteria for evaluating a meal?
Roberta Schira is a food critic. She has tried to answer these questions. She start of how people can have different opinions about a meal, and as this opinion varies so much from one person to another. She say that "the good is objective".

If you want more information,  you can visit this link there also find the explanation of the seven rules: 


"Panadas" Mallorcan

Hi! As you know empanadas are typical in the Balearic Islands, which are make mainly  for Easter. An interesting information is that the "panada" Mallorcan has its origins in the panada  Jewish. Descended from an ancient dish called paixtida.The use of lard and sobrasaada was interpreted as a way to Christianize the original Jewish recipe, as with other products, for example, "ensaïmada".

Now,  I will post a video so you can see as is make:

dilluns, 9 de maig del 2016


Hola, avui pegarem un gir inesperat a la cuina japonesa, concretament al sushi. L'altre dia volguent posar algunes dades innovadores al meu blog cercant "curiositats sobre el menjar". Vaig trobar una pagina on parlava de 21 coses que no sabia sobre el sushi. Cal remercar que la historia del sushi va neixer a China com una manera de conservar el peix, posteriorment es va traslladar al Japó on es va popularitzar. A més a més, les primeres referències del sushi al Japó es de l'any 718, com part d'un tractat de lleis anomenat Yororitsuryo, en ell es fa referència la utilització del sushi com a forma de pagament d'imposts.

Així doncs, tenint en compte que la cultura oriental és molt diferent a la occidental, també ho són els seus plats i les seves costums alhora de menjar a la taula. Per exemple, sabieu que les dones no poden fer sushi?, ja que la seva temperatura corporal és més elevada i per tant, alteren el gust de l'arrós quan es prepara, o també, mai has de deixar el plat buit, si no deixes ni un gra d'arròs, el cuiner es pensara que no ha fet suficient menjar. Així que, ho deixes una mica, o felicites al mestre i el convides a un sake.

 Si vos interessa sabre més informació feis click al link:
Almejas a la marinera

Hoy os enseñare como preparar unas deliciosas almejas. Se pueden hacer de varias maneras pero una de las màs populares es a la marinera.

Ingredientes para 3: 

- 1 kg almejas frescas
- dientes de ajo
- 1/4 cebolla
- 1 hojas de laurel
- 10gr.  de pimentón dulce
- 20gr. de harina
Tomate frito
- 50 ml de agua
- 50ml de vino blanco

- Aceite
- Perejil
- 1 cayena
- Sal

-20gr. de pan rallado

Aquí os dejo un video sobre su preparació: